Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment.
How it spreads
The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, and quickly fall on floors or surfaces. You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose or mouth.
What you can do
Wear a face cover to protect yourself and others.
Wash your hands after touching frequently touched surfaces.
Practice social distancing.
If you experience 2 or more of the symptoms, call your local hotline for assistance ASAP.
Note that we are observing mandated public health protocols to protect ourselves and our valued clients. Help us take good care of YOU, remember to wear your mask and keep it on at all times when you visit us. Please call us if you are running late for your appointment.
Until we see you again at Healing Waters Spa, take care of yourself.